"Judgmental" is just one of the terms that young people use to describe Christianity. Sadly, Christianity's reputation has taken a hit over the last few years. It seems that as though we're known more for being hypocritical, judgmental, anti-gay, and too political. The Barna Group has done some groundbreaking research recently that gives us a picture of what the next generation thinks about Christianity and why it matters. Check out these sobering stats:
- 91% of non-churchgoers believe Christianity is antihomosexual.
- 87% believe Christians are too judgmental.
- 85% believe Christians are hypocritical (saying one thing, doing another)
- 78% believe Christians are old-fashioned.
- 75% believe Christians are too involved in politics.
My hope is that Christ-followers in America will wake up and start engaging culture like they should, with love and compassion for ALL people. And if we really wake up, I guarantee that the world will take notice and those perceptions will change drastically. And perhaps 30 years from now, Christians and the church will be known more for love, service, holiness, and respect.
Over the next few Sunday mornings, we're going to talk about these negative perceptions and what it will take to change those perceptions. Hope to see you this Sunday!