Carrie (my wife) and I are adopting a baby from Russia. As we wait (and wait and wait), we're doing all we can to prepare for parenthood. We're praying, we're reading, we're working on the nursery, and we're talking with other families who have adopted. In fact, we ate at Chili's last tonight with another couple who is adopting a baby from Russia. And one thing that encouraged us tonight as we talked with others who are in the same boat:
We can TRUST GOD'S TIMING TOGETHER. God is in complete control. He knows exactly what He's doing. He's already picked our child and has a plan for our child and our family. God is always on time. And it's great to talk with people who are walking the same adoption journey. They understand what we've been through and what we're going through, and we can wait on God's timing TOGETHER. Especially if they're Christ-followers, they'll want to pray for us and encourage us. We will pray for them and encourage them.
And one of these days (hopefully not long), we'll bring our children home and celebrate TOGETHER. The couple that we met at Chili's lives about 15 minutes away. So it won't be long until our kids are playing TOGETHER.
By the way, the couple informed us last night of some Russian adoption t-shirts. I think we'll get this one for our baby to wear when we arrive at the Nashville airport.
What do you think?

1 comment:
I can think of no better souvenier to bring home from Russia!
I'm so glad to get to know you and Carrie and wish my husband and I were nearer to join those Chili's chats!
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