Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Plans for this Sunday?

Do you have plans for this Sunday? This is BIG Sunday @ PCC, and we would love for you check it out (http://www.thebigsunday.com/). We're going to have a FREE lunch for everybody, we're going to give a little sneak preview of the I Love the 80's sermon series, and we're going to have some of the PCC kids sing a song or two. But do you know what I'm most excited about? Bob and Larry from the VeggieTales (pictured below) are going to be there. You can bet I'll get my picture made with them...You know you want to. Everybody's doing it!


Unknown said...

Just a thought: If Bob and Larry have arms and legs, they're imposters.

Michael O'Neal said...

hey, that's a good point...be looking out for 'em!