Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas from Russia!

On this Christmas morning, Carrie and I hopped aboard the van, a Scooby Doo-like mystery machine, and headed toward the orphanage. On the 2 hour journey to the orphanage, our driver blasted Nirvana over the radio, but I was able to pray, meditate on some of the Christmas story in Luke’s gospel, and read a Christmas sermon from Charles Spurgeon. Today, I’m reminded of the first Christmas day and the greatest Christmas gift of all—our Heavenly Father sending us the Savior!

Though the ride was bumpy, we arrived safely at the orphanage at about 10 AM. This was our second visit with our baby. Both visits went great, and as we finished our visit today, we signed a paper saying that we agree to adopt this little boy.

As we jumped back in the “mystery machine,” I praised God all the way home. God has granted me the gift of salvation through His Son. That gift alone is enough. Yet, because of His amazing grace, He also has given me a godly wife and the hope of adopting a little baby boy. Well, I don’t think that I can my Heavenly Father enough on this Christmas day.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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