Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Prayer for America

May 7 is the official National Day of Prayer. Here's the prayer I'm praying:

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for your grace and love. We thank you for our country and the freedom we all experience. God, I thank you for our country's leaders. I thank you for their commitment to serve and their commitment to work together to meet the various needs of our communities.

Father, we know you tell us to trust in you, and not lean on our own understanding. I pray that we would be the kind of people who will lean on you alone for wisdom, guidance, and direction.

Father, we know your Son prayed for your will to be done. I pray that we would be the kind of people who seek your will and above our wills, your purposes above our purposes.

Father, we know that apart from Jesus Christ we can do nothing. I pray that we would be the kind of people who will not take one step without the leadership of Christ in our lives.

Father, we know that you command us to love you with ALL our heart, all our soul, and all our mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves. I pray that we would be the kind of people who love you supremely and love people passionately.

Father, your Word promises that “If your people humble themselves, and pray and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways, then you will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” God, I pray that you would wake us up as a nation. Give us the desire to humble ourselves and repent. I pray that you would bring a spiritual awakening to our country. You’ve done it before, and we know you can do it again. I pray that you would bring a global spiritual awakening. And God, by your grace and power, may it start right here in America.

It’s in the name of Jesus Christ, the only Savior, the only one who offers forgiveness from sin and eternal life to all who follow Him, it’s in his name I pray, Amen.

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