Monday, July 2, 2007

The Recipe for a Healthy Marriage

Yesterday, I spoke on the D-word--Divorce. Actually, what I decided to do was focus on the question: "What is the recipe for a healthy, long-lasting marriage?" And it's really all about following God's original recipe. And if we follow God's recipe, and really focus on building and growing a healthy marriage, then divorce will not be an issue. What is God's original recipe? 3 letters: KFC (Kindness, Forgiveness, and Christ). This recipe comes from Ephesians 4:32 (NIV): Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. There's much more to the message, so please feel free to go to our website and listen to yesterday's message. Go to and see the "From the Stool" section.

I also showed a few video clips in the middle of yesterday's message. They'll make you cry and laugh. Check 'em out:


SLOAN said...

Great vids Michael. I bet they got a good laugh during worship.


cleve said...

That guy couldn't get a word in :)