Friday, August 17, 2007

"Heaven Isn't Too Far Away"

That's actually a line from an old Warrant song. (Warrant was a heavy metal band back in the 80s. See picture below.). Anyway, for my morning devotional, I'm going through a workbook titled Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. A quote popped out at me today, and I just had to share it:

A young woman was visiting a missionary in Eastern Europe and asked her, "Isn't it hard being so far away from your grown children and missing important events in their lives?"
"Sure," the missionary replied. "But in Heaven we'll have all the time together we want. Right now there's kingdom work that needs to be done." (121)

Sometimes I'm guilty of thinking only about this life here on earth. The missionary's perspective is on target. She's thinking about her real home--Heaven. She realizes that "Heaven isn't too far away."

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