Friday, August 24, 2007

Rockbridge Seminary

Right now, I'm taking a faculty orientation course for Rockbridge Seminary. It's a fully online seminary and designs its curriculum around the 5 purposes of the church. Just over the first few weeks of the course, what I'm learning has challenged my traditional thinking about higher education. For example, there may be more participation among the professor and fellow students in a healthy online community compared with a face-to-face classroom setting. Rockbridge encourages students to dialogue with each other and learn from each other, as opposed to the "expert teacher" just dishing out information that needs to be memorized for an upcoming test. The professor acts more like a coach or mentor.

What impresses me most about the co-founders of Rockbridge is their commitment to helping students live out the eternal purposes of God wherever they are. If you are interested in getting a seminary degree without leaving your ministry position, I encourage you to check Rockbridge out ( You'll be impressed too!

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