Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tornado Hits Jackson, TN

Carrie and I just got home from a movie and learned about a terrible tornado that touched down in Carrie's hometown of Jackson, TN. It hit Union University where we, my sister, and all of Carrie's siblings went to college. As of right now, 3 students are still trapped in the dorms. It is a very scary situation!

Carrie's brother, Ben, is a sophomore at Union and fortunately moved off campus this semester! (There are students trapped in the dorm where he lived, and he said the windows were blown out in the room he lived in just 2 months ago.) Carrie just spoke with Ben, and he said it looks like a war zone at the campus. She also spoke with her brother, Jonathan, who works at the campus.
Fortunately he, his wife, and his little girl are okay since they were at home about 15 minutes away from the campus. Here is a link to the story: http://www.jacksonsun.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080205/NEWS01/80205041

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