Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Alan and Denise Jackson

For you country music fans, you may be interested in knowing that Alan Jackson's wife, Denise, released an autobiography today called It's All About Him. At first glance, you may assume that the book's title refers to her husband, but it actually refers to Jesus Christ--it's all about HIM. You may want to check this book out--a story of faith, forgiveness, and love.

Also, if you buy the book, an exclusive CD is included with a song written and performed by Alan. The song's title? You guessed it. "It's All About Him." And what an amazing song! Let me give you just the first verse and chorus to whet your appetite:

You ask if I'm happy, it's easy to see

I'm high on a mountain, the world at my feet

All of the reasons I should feel free

Come and look closer, it's not about me


It's all about Him and the love that He gives

Redemption and hope for all who have sinned

You can walk all alone, never find your way home

Till you see deep within, it's all about Him

Without question, Alan and Denise are getting opportunity after opportunity in the media to share what God has done in their lives. And God is going to use them to touch people's lives, people who are struggling in their marriages and searching for meaning in life. Say a little prayer for Alan and Denise as they promote this book and song.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Nashville Cares. Does the Church?

I just got back from a meeting with Kate Haygood, Director of Marketing and Volunteers at Nashville Cares. Nashville Cares is an organization committed to promoting and participating in a "compassionate response to HIV/AIDS in Middle Tennessee." Check out their website: www.nashvillecares.org.

After my conversation with Kate, I am so much more motivated to do something about eliminating this giant disease which kills millions of people every year. Just skim over these stats and see if your heart doesn't break:
  • There are over 40 million people infected with HIV/AIDS resulting in 15 million children losing one or both parents.
  • In the United States, there are approximately 1 million people living with HIV.
  • Last year, there were 3 million people who died from AIDS. That's like the entire population of Chicago being wiped out in one year--every year!

If you're like me, for a long time I didn't really think HIV/AIDS was a serious disease here in Middle Tennessee. That's Africa's problem, right? Nope. Get this:

  • About 4,600 Middle Tennesseans are currently living with HIV/AIDS.
  • About 300 new cases of HIV/AIDS are reported for Middle Tennessee annually.
  • Last year, a person with HIV died an average of every 4 days in Middle Tennessee.

Nashville Cares (the organization) is committed to tackling this global giant. What about the church? When will we step up to the table? Does the church care like Jesus cared? Luke 6:36--"You must be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate." That's Jesus talking. He walked the talk. It's time for the church (the body of Christ) to do the same.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Chili's and Parenthood

Carrie (my wife) and I are adopting a baby from Russia. As we wait (and wait and wait), we're doing all we can to prepare for parenthood. We're praying, we're reading, we're working on the nursery, and we're talking with other families who have adopted. In fact, we ate at Chili's last tonight with another couple who is adopting a baby from Russia. And one thing that encouraged us tonight as we talked with others who are in the same boat:

We can TRUST GOD'S TIMING TOGETHER. God is in complete control. He knows exactly what He's doing. He's already picked our child and has a plan for our child and our family. God is always on time. And it's great to talk with people who are walking the same adoption journey. They understand what we've been through and what we're going through, and we can wait on God's timing TOGETHER. Especially if they're Christ-followers, they'll want to pray for us and encourage us. We will pray for them and encourage them.

And one of these days (hopefully not long), we'll bring our children home and celebrate TOGETHER. The couple that we met at Chili's lives about 15 minutes away. So it won't be long until our kids are playing TOGETHER.

By the way, the couple informed us last night of some Russian adoption t-shirts. I think we'll get this one for our baby to wear when we arrive at the Nashville airport. What do you think?

Monday, July 9, 2007

Money, Money, Money

The response to yesterday's message has been amazing! I talked about a few of God's financial principles, Brian Manning (a bank manager for Regions) spoke on the danger signs of debt, and Grady Dycus shared about how and he and his wife are closing the door on debt. Grady's powerful story proves that God's financial plan does work! You may want to take a few minutes to listen to his story (which was near the end of yesterday's message).

Also during the message, I mentioned several resources that have helped people discover God's principles for closing the door on debt. Below are some links to those resources and a few more that you may find beneficial. Check them out:

3 GREAT resources from Dave Ramsey:

This book adds 4 new chapters to his classic book, Financial Peace. The new chapters tackle such topics like marriage and money, singles and money, and kids and money.



There's an incredible DVD resource from Andy Stanley called Lost. It's a series of sermons by one of the greatest Christian communicators I've ever heard. There is also small group curriculum included, so you can use it for personal study, family study, or group study. My small group just completed the study and LOVED it! Find out more here: http://resources.northpoint.org/store/shop.do?cID=44&pID=781

Let me give you a website that has tons of info and tools: http://www.crown.org/
The organization is called Crown Financial Ministries. In their words, they believe that "money is the language of the world, and God's word is the translation that leads to True Financial Freedom."

Let me know what tools you've found helpful as you've walked on your financial journey. I'd love to hear from you and learn from you!

My Singing Debut on Live TV

Last week, PCC had a booth at Hendersonville's Drakes Creek Park where we painted faces, played some kids' games, and talked with folks. I just happened to see Channel 4's weather guy near our booth, and I stopped to talk with him. I joked with him and said, "If you need somebody to sing God Bless the U.S.A., I'm here for ya." He responded, "I'll be back in 15 minutes!" And so I belted out the chorus shamelessly on live TV. Watch and enjoy (or make fun of me)...

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Recipe for a Healthy Marriage

Yesterday, I spoke on the D-word--Divorce. Actually, what I decided to do was focus on the question: "What is the recipe for a healthy, long-lasting marriage?" And it's really all about following God's original recipe. And if we follow God's recipe, and really focus on building and growing a healthy marriage, then divorce will not be an issue. What is God's original recipe? 3 letters: KFC (Kindness, Forgiveness, and Christ). This recipe comes from Ephesians 4:32 (NIV): Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. There's much more to the message, so please feel free to go to our website and listen to yesterday's message. Go to www.PeaceCC.org and see the "From the Stool" section.

I also showed a few video clips in the middle of yesterday's message. They'll make you cry and laugh. Check 'em out:
