Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas from Russia!
Though the ride was bumpy, we arrived safely at the orphanage at about 10 AM. This was our second visit with our baby. Both visits went great, and as we finished our visit today, we signed a paper saying that we agree to adopt this little boy.
As we jumped back in the “mystery machine,” I praised God all the way home. God has granted me the gift of salvation through His Son. That gift alone is enough. Yet, because of His amazing grace, He also has given me a godly wife and the hope of adopting a little baby boy. Well, I don’t think that I can my Heavenly Father enough on this Christmas day.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Adoption News!!!
You can read more about the news we received today on my wife's blog:
Please continue to pray for us. We've got a long way to go, but today was a HUGE step in the right direction. And we'll continue to trust God's perfect timing!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Christmas Vacation!!!!!
What a sad story. But it happens far too often. Maybe the person doesn't die from overwork, but maybe his or her health suffers. Or maybe he loses his family because he's spending too much time at work. Or maybe she misses out on quality time with her husband and children because she's working too much.
Carrie (my wife) and I, at times, are guilty of working too hard at our jobs that we miss out on life with each other. That's why we LOVE to go on vacation. We just don't love it, we NEED it. So tomorrow morning, we leave for Williamsburg, VA. After a few warm days in Williamsburg (supposed to be 70 degrees all week), we will then head to Washington D.C. We've even scheduled a White House tour for next Tuesday! We will also celebrate our anniversary next Sunday!
So let me encourage you workaholics out there: Work hard, but don't work so hard that you miss out on what matters most. Don't work so hard that you miss out on your relationship with your spouse and kids. If you're a Christ-follower, don't work so hard that you neglect your relationship with Christ. Work is not your life. The Lord is your life (Deuteronomy 30:20).
And one more challenge: Go on vacation once or twice a year!
I plan on posting some pictures of our Christmas Vacation this week, so stay tuned!
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 3, 2007
"A Christmas Carol" and a Jew

Whenever I think about the story of Scrooge, I think about how Jesus Christ has radically changed millions of lives around the world, including mine. He rescued me from my sin and selfishness and made me a new person.
I was reminded again of this truth in a conversation with a stranger today. I talked to a 63 year-old lady today who was raised Jewish, but now works for a Christian organization. She began to tell me about how she became a Christian. I found her story so fascinating that I asked her to email me her story. In her words, she spent her first 26 years as an "angry Jew." She writes:
Soon, she began to see her need for a Savior. A few weeks later, all alone in a Holland field, she cried out: "I don't know who or what you are , but whoever you are, help me." Right then and there, Jesus Christ changed her life in radical fashion. Here's how she summarizes that Summer of 1970:
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Beech High School Homecoming
Some people who attend PCC are in their late twenties and early thirties. Some went to Beech High School in Hendersonville, TN. We even have a few teenagers who are seniors at Beech right now (like our drummer boy). So I thought it would be fun to post a little of my senior class video from "Homecoming" at Beech High School, Fall of 1994. Man I'm old! By the way, I'm on at the beginning of the video with my pajamas pulled up to my chest.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
2 Exciting Opportunities
PCC is a small church, but I believe we can make a big difference this Christmas. We are asking everybody (adults and children) to get involved with 2 exciting outreach efforts:
(1) Operation Christmas Child--Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God's love. This program of Samaritan's Purse provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands-on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus Christ. For more info, you can check out their website: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/OCC.asp.
(2) Making a Difference Christmas Offering--Over the holiday season, we are also encouraging people to give to a special offering that will help spread the Good News about Jesus Christ to a world in need. The greatest problem around the world is spiritual emptiness. Therefore, most of the money received for this special offering will go to support missionaries and their work around the world--especially in places where there are no churches.
I have no doubt that God will use our work and our giving to make a difference around the world. People of all ages, backgrounds, and professions can participate in these causes. Please don't let these God-given opportunities pass you by during this season of giving. And remember what our Savior said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35, ESV).
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Family FAQ
Over the next week, I'll be gathering questions and taking notes. If you have a question that you'd like to ask, please feel free to email me or comment on this post. I will look forward to looking into God's Word and sharing some answers with you on November 11.
Lunch with Ed
For the last few years, I've been impressed with his research and writings. Today, I was impressed with his willingness to take time out of his extremely busy schedule to have lunch with me. He offered some advice, he offered some encouragement, but there was one thing that he said that jumped out at me. He said (my paraphrase):
Monday, October 29, 2007
Child Dedication Service
Sunday, October 21, 2007
"In the Heat of the Night"
Anyway, pray for me over the next couple of days as I pray about what God wants me to say. Like I said, it should be interesting!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Former Soviet Union

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Anyway, I thought the conference was pretty good. I had been praying for God to teach me and encourage me during the conference, and He answered my prayer. Here's what God taught me:
- As a leader, I must use my position and power for the benefit of others. Jesus modeled this for us in John 13, where the disciples were stunned by His humility. Is anybody really stunned by my humility? When I fail to follow Christ's example, I'm saying that I'm greater than Jesus. (from Andy Stanley's talk)
- The people I am leading need recognition and relevance. They want to know they are making a difference, especially when it comes to making an eternal difference in people's lives. (from Patrick Lencioni's talk)
- Jeremiah 1:4-19--This passage was the most encouraging part of the conference for me. Francis Chan, one of the key speakers, challenged me by asking: "Do you really believe God put you in this position (as pastor/church leader), or are you just running a church?" I left the conference on Friday encouraged by God's words to Jeremiah.
- If I want God's blessing on my life, I must get in on God's agenda. (from Rick Warren's talk). This principle has been foundational from the very start of PCC. It helps drive everything we do--from small groups to the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.
- I also left the conference with this powerful quote from Francis Chan: "If Jesus had a church in Simi Valley, mine would be bigger. People would leave his church to attend mine because I call for an easier commitment."
I'm still trying to digest this one! I think Chan's words are true, but it's so tough to call people to the same level of commitment that Jesus expected. You always have people get mad at you personally, and it's a challenge to help them understand that the Christian life is not about following the pastor's expectations. It's about denying self, taking up your cross daily, and following Christ (Luke 9:23).
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Hangin' Out with My Nephew
Here's a picture of Luke with Marty Raybon and Rebecca Lynn Howard:
After Wal-Mart, I took him to Station Camp High School, where our church meets on Sunday mornings. The principal had to sign some paperwork for me, and he gave Luke a football! Next, I took Luke to the local LifeWay bookstore and bought him a VeggieTales toy. Then, we went to Dairy Queen.
It was a great few hours. You know, I've got a bunch of stuff to do. I've got books to read, sermons to write, small groups to organize, etc. I've got a lot to do between now and tomorrow afternoon before I leave for Atlanta's Catalyst Conference.
But it's worth it to take a few hours out of a busy schedule to spend time with my nephew. On the way back to his house, I missed the turn. I've been to Luke's house many times, but for some reason, I missed the turn. Luke realized what I did and asked me, "Did you go past our house?" I replied, "Yeah, I missed the turn. I don't know why, but I did." Luke said, "You just made a mistake." I smiled and then commented, "That's right. I made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes, don't they?" As Luke nodded his head, I asked him: "Do you know the only person who never make a mistake?" He shook his head. I added, "Jesus Christ is the only person who never made a mistake."
I just couldn't pass up the teaching moment. Tonight, since my wife is out town, I'll catch up on some of the work I missed this afternoon. Today, the right thing for me to do was to invest in the next generation, specifically my 4 year-old nephew. To all of you out there, I say: Work. Work hard. But make sure to make time for the next generation. They need us. They need spiritual leaders they can look up to. The Bible says in Psalm 78:4:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Commercial for Family Ties

This week, we kick-off the I Love the 80's series with "FAMILY TIES." Tune in this Sunday!
How Strong Are You?
I read his blog regularly as well. In his blog today, he talked about the importance of disciple-making (leading people in the community to become committed followers of Christ). As I was reading, he touched on something that I think is crucial in understanding Christianity in the 21st Century. He said:
How strong are you? Who are the others around you, helping you to connect with God and others?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Big D and Bubba

"Big D and Bubba" are popular radio personalities based here in Nashville. Their show, however, is heard around the country, from Seattle to Key West. Every Friday, they have a pastor come and pray for all the football games that will be played that evening. Folks, this is not Christian talk radio. This is mainstream country radio! I don't know much about these guys, but I'm impressed by what they're doing.
Earlier this week, their producer asked me to come and tape something for tomorrow's show. I was so nervous, but excited! So this morning, I went to the WSIX studio downtown and taped a little prayer for the "Big D and Bubba Show." What an incredible God-given opportunity--to pray on country music radio for thousands of people to hear across the country.
In my prayer, I didn't hold back. I prayed for students, coaches, and schools around our country. And I closed the prayer by thanking God for His love and for sending His Son Jesus Christ to forgive us from sin, to give us purpose in this life, and to give us eternal life. And I prayed in the holy, life-changing name of Jesus! I'm just praying they don't edit it out!
Tune in to the "Big D and Bubba Show" tomorrow around 5:00 central if you're interested. I think you can listen online: http://www.wsix.com/pages/listenlive.html
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Plans for this Sunday?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Glenn Weekley made 'em count

Please pray for his family and church this week. To read more about Bro. Glenn and his ministry, please go to http://www.firstbaptisthendersonville.com/.
And follow Bro. Glenn's example: Make your years count!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Community Group Projects
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Refocus Your Life
Every once in a while (actually, quite often), we have to refocus our lives. SO, last week I went out and bought the newly revised edition of Experiencing God, and I'm going through this study once again. Here are a few quotes that jumped out at me over the first week:
- "Real Christianity is not merely a religion; it is a relationship with a Person." (8)
- "What is God's will for my life? is NOT the right question. I think the proper question is, What is God's will?" (15)
- "You cannot stay the way you are and go with God." (21)
- "God knows you can't do it! He wants to do it Himself THROUGH you." (38)
Carrie (my wife) went through this study in high school, and she also is going through it again. If you've never read it, we highly recommend it. If you have read it, we highly recommend you read it again! Do you sense that you're not experiencing God like you want to or like you once did? It may be time to refocus your life.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Rockbridge Seminary
What impresses me most about the co-founders of Rockbridge is their commitment to helping students live out the eternal purposes of God wherever they are. If you are interested in getting a seminary degree without leaving your ministry position, I encourage you to check Rockbridge out (http://www.rockbridgeseminary.org/). You'll be impressed too!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Oak Ridge Boys tradition!
Friday, August 17, 2007
"Heaven Isn't Too Far Away"
Monday, August 6, 2007
40 Days of Faith Begins!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
A Serious Baseball Fan
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Alan and Denise Jackson

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Nashville Cares. Does the Church?
After my conversation with Kate, I am so much more motivated to do something about eliminating this giant disease which kills millions of people every year. Just skim over these stats and see if your heart doesn't break:
- There are over 40 million people infected with HIV/AIDS resulting in 15 million children losing one or both parents.
- In the United States, there are approximately 1 million people living with HIV.
- Last year, there were 3 million people who died from AIDS. That's like the entire population of Chicago being wiped out in one year--every year!
If you're like me, for a long time I didn't really think HIV/AIDS was a serious disease here in Middle Tennessee. That's Africa's problem, right? Nope. Get this:
- About 4,600 Middle Tennesseans are currently living with HIV/AIDS.
- About 300 new cases of HIV/AIDS are reported for Middle Tennessee annually.
- Last year, a person with HIV died an average of every 4 days in Middle Tennessee.
Nashville Cares (the organization) is committed to tackling this global giant. What about the church? When will we step up to the table? Does the church care like Jesus cared? Luke 6:36--"You must be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate." That's Jesus talking. He walked the talk. It's time for the church (the body of Christ) to do the same.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Chili's and Parenthood

Monday, July 9, 2007
Money, Money, Money
Also during the message, I mentioned several resources that have helped people discover God's principles for closing the door on debt. Below are some links to those resources and a few more that you may find beneficial. Check them out:
3 GREAT resources from Dave Ramsey:
This book adds 4 new chapters to his classic book, Financial Peace. The new chapters tackle such topics like marriage and money, singles and money, and kids and money.
There's an incredible DVD resource from Andy Stanley called Lost. It's a series of sermons by one of the greatest Christian communicators I've ever heard. There is also small group curriculum included, so you can use it for personal study, family study, or group study. My small group just completed the study and LOVED it! Find out more here: http://resources.northpoint.org/store/shop.do?cID=44&pID=781
Let me give you a website that has tons of info and tools: http://www.crown.org/
The organization is called Crown Financial Ministries. In their words, they believe that "money is the language of the world, and God's word is the translation that leads to True Financial Freedom."
Let me know what tools you've found helpful as you've walked on your financial journey. I'd love to hear from you and learn from you!
My Singing Debut on Live TV
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Recipe for a Healthy Marriage
I also showed a few video clips in the middle of yesterday's message. They'll make you cry and laugh. Check 'em out:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Go Braves!
Doors, the D-word, and KFC
Without question, there are certain signs or predictors of divorce, and we're going to look at these predictors. But we're also going to look at how we can slam the door on divorce and open the door to the marital fulfillment that God desires. And I'm going to argue that God desires a KFC marriage. KFC? Yeah, KFC. Original recipe or crispy? I'm looking forward to sharing more about this on Sunday. It's so biblical, practical, and relevant. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Good Directions and Sweet Tea
The main reason that I meet with those guys at Backyard Burger over a cup of sweet tea is because they are searching for direction in life. The main reason we started Peace Community Church is because people are searching for direction in life. They don't realize God's love for them, God's purpose for them.
If you're reading this blog and you are searching for direction in life, then come and check out Peace Community. We are in this journey of life together. And God has given us a roadmap which He meant for us to discover. As Billy Currington would say, "Thank God for good directions."